
Always picking the right ones ?

iso 10667

Every single minute...

probably several ten or even hundred thounsands of HR decisions are being made in companies, enterprises, and institutions all around the world.
Regardless who has to make all these decisions, whether an organisation's HR department as an internal service provider, or a contracted service provider external to the organisation in need of making a specific HR decision, both have at least one thing in common:
They have to accomplish an occupational assessment preceding the decision, in order to enable it being made at all.
And, the more appropriate the preceding occupational assessment process is, the more appropriate and the less inaccurate the consecutive HR decision based on it will be for the organisation, teams, or individuals involved into it.


As an HR specialist...

you are facing dozens if not hundreds of different challenging issues which are crucial for yourself, the organisation you work in, and not at least, the people you are dealing with in your daily job.
Equal treatment, diversity, individual and team development, M&A, succession planning, assessment centers, multimodal interviews, protection of personal and assessment data, deadlines, formation and management of intercultural teams, no matter what else:  the eyes are on you.
What if you had an internationally acknowledged and renown quality management standard you can rely on as your personal, soundly founded, and legally certain guideline for your daily HR business ?

ISO 10667

Making your good HR professionals even better...

Send your good HR personnel to TCI's professional trainings and get them licensed for ISO 10667-1 or ISO 10667-2, and develop them to become even better in what they do in their daily business.
Have the best HR professionals available working for your organisation:
your own ones.
Trained and ISO licensed by TCI. licensing of personnel

Engage wih us and decide for a licensing of your good HR personnel, by which you amongst other effects gain:

  • appropriate and internationally acknowledged credential of HR qualification of your personnel

  • rise your company's internal and external reputation as a fair employer who cares

  • have qualified and licensed HR personnel leading an ISO 10667 compliant assessment

Our personnel licensing process

it's that easy

participate in a licensing webinar

Select and participate in webinar sessions which will take place when you have the time for them.

quiz, exam, question, laptop copy, elearning, education, lesson

take the licensing examination

Attend and successfully pass the official ISO 10667 personnel licensing examination online.

become licensed for ISO

Get a reknown and acknowledged endorsement of your ISO-compliant occupational assessment process knowledge at state of the art.

and / or...

enhance your good HR process organisation...

HR processes are complicated and often source of serious issues, when not planned, accomplished and evaluated in an appropriate and professional manner.
Engage with TCI and verify if your good HR organisation already meets the quality requirements of the most relevant international HR quality management standard, the ISO 10667-1/2.
Get your organisation certified and gain intrinsic and extrinsic benefits from the enhanced HR organisation quality, which not at least can save you time and money.

ISO10667 certification of organisation

Engage wih us and decide for an organizational certification of your good HR assessment process, by which you amongst other effects:

  • gain competitive advantages against your not certified competitors and increase your profit

  • safeguard the legal certainty of your good assessment process and all related contracts 

  • save time and money by avoiding to restaff positions

Our organisation certification process


Decide for your quality standard

Depending on the role, which your organisation takes in the whole occupational assessment process, i.e. the role as the "client", or the role as the "service provider", you have the choice to certify your organisation for ISO 10667-1 or ISO 10667-2.


Preliminary documentation review (PDR)Audit stage 1, part one

In this first step of the audit stage one, we have a first closer look on the existing documentation of your good occupational assessment process. It results in a detailed reporting, in which all strenghts and weaknesses are described, and which represents a solid base for the implementation of the quality standard you have chosen to become your organisation certified against, if this has not taken place so far at all.


Implementation phase

Based on the PDRs reporting, you are enabled to accomplish your corrective actions and to eliminate the identified non-conformities in your good occupational assessment and implement the standard's requirements in a sophisticated and target-oriented manner.


Screening auditingAudit stage 1, part two

After having accomplished all necessary corrective actions from the PDR reporting and the implementation of the standardd requirements, it's time for a first auditing, i.e. the screening auditing. This is the subsequent service of the audit stage one which leads to an evidence of certification maturity, in case the screening auditing was passed successfully.


Conformity assessment auditingAudit stage 2

Your organisation's process successfully passed the screening auditing and evidently has reached certification maturity. Now it's time for the certificational auditing, which leads to issuing of the certification document for your good organisation in case of successfully taking it.


Issuing of the ISO 10667-1 or ISO 10667-2 certificate

Almost 90% of our good clients take the conformity assessment auditing in their first attempt. In case a second attempt should be necessary, it can be accomplished after implementation of the corrective actions, as directed in the conformity assessment findings reporting. After all, you're done, and proudly gain your ISO 10667-1/2 certificate for your good organisation.

So, summing up...

...if you feel like having an organisation with a sound occupational assessment and good HR professionals, 
then why not gaining an impartial proof for it ?

With the international HR quality standardISO 10667-1/2:2020and TCI


Your organization's benefits

With licensing your HR personnel and certifying your assessment process for ISO 10667 with us, you...

rise reputation

rise your company's internal and external reputation as a fair employer and attract TOP-candidates with ISO 10667 compliant assessment processes

external partners

have a guideline to identify reliable external HR service providers of high quality to avoid expensive mistakes

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improve accuracy

enhance the accuracy and appropriateness of the organisation's HR assessment process

save time and money

save time and money by avoiding to restaff positions and possible judicial proceedings deriving from faithless assessment processes

enhanced process

have qualified and licensed HR personnel to plan, execute, evaluate and enhance your HR assessment process conforming to ISO 10667

legal certainty

safeguard legal certainty of the assessment process and related national and international contracts by complying to ISO 10667

competitive advantages

unlock competitive advantages against your competiting companies who do not utilize ISO 10667 in their organization


personnel development

provide your HR personnel with an appropriate and internationally acknowledged credential of HR qualification

Contact us today

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Our Values

We are driven by the idea to assist our Clients to even better their good, so
Let's better good !

Established in October 2011, TCI is the first international certification body on ISO 10667-1/2 and DIN 33430 exclusively, located at Hamburg, Germany. Our conformity assessment services are provided worldwide to commercial enterprises and companies as well as non-profit organizations regardless the respective sector, and also public and/or governmental institutions. The personnel licenses and organizational certificates issued by TCI are valid worldwide. We already are looking forward assisting you in your aim to enhance your good HR area.

We stand with our Ukrainian Friends !

ISO 10667